Force Field Analysis: A Tool for Making Better Decisions

  1. Business Decision-Making Advice
  2. Decision-Making Tools and Frameworks
  3. Force Field Analysis

Making decisions can be a difficult process, especially when you have to consider multiple stakeholders and competing interests. Force field analysis is a decision-making tool that can help you identify and weigh up the various forces involved in a situation in order to make an informed decision. By understanding the various forces at play, you can develop a plan of action that takes into account the opposing forces and maximizes the chances of success. Force field analysis is a widely used decision-making tool in business and project management, but it can also be an effective way to approach problem-solving in other areas of life. It helps you to identify the factors that will influence a decision, and to determine how much weight each factor should have on your final decision.

By understanding how all the forces interact, you can create an action plan that will take into account the opposing forces and maximize the chances of success. In this article, we'll look at what force field analysis is and how it works, as well as practical tips on how to use it in different types of decision-making situations. We'll also examine the advantages and disadvantages of using force field analysis, so you can decide if it's the right tool for your needs.

What is Force Field Analysis?

Force Field Analysis is a tool that helps people make better decisions. It was developed by social psychologist Kurt Lewin in the 1940s. The goal of Force Field Analysis is to identify and balance the forces that influence the decision-making process.

It can be used to assess a variety of situations, such as business decisions, organizational change, and conflict resolution. Force Field Analysis is based on the idea that there are two types of forces – those that support a decision (the driving forces) and those that oppose it (the restraining forces). The driving forces are those that push you towards making a decision, while the restraining forces push you away from it. By understanding and weighing the importance of both types of forces, you can make a more informed decision. Force Field Analysis can help you identify potential risks, uncover possible solutions, and make decisions that will have a positive outcome. It also helps you think through all of the potential factors that could influence your decision and understand how they may interact with each other.

In addition, it can help you identify areas of potential improvement and create strategies for overcoming any obstacles.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Force Field Analysis

Force Field Analysis is a powerful tool for making decisions. It enables you to identify and weigh the forces that will affect your decision. With this information, you can make informed decisions that are based on a thorough analysis of the factors influencing your decision. The advantages of using Force Field Analysis include its ability to identify the factors affecting your decision, its ability to weigh the importance of each factor, and its ability to provide a visual representation of the forces influencing your decision.

The disadvantages of using Force Field Analysis include the time and effort required to complete the analysis, and the potential for human error when interpreting the results. Overall, Force Field Analysis is a valuable tool for making better decisions. It can help you identify and balance the forces influencing your decision, enabling you to make decisions that are based on a thorough analysis of the factors affecting your decision.


Force Field Analysis allows you to identify and weigh the forces that will influence your decision.

This can help you make more informed decisions, as you will be able to consider all the relevant factors before making a final decision. Additionally, Force Field Analysis provides a visual representation of the forces influencing your decision, which can help you understand the factors at play more clearly.


The main disadvantage of Force Field Analysis is that it requires a considerable amount of time and effort to complete. Additionally, there is always the potential for human error when interpreting the results, which can lead to inaccurate conclusions.

Examples of Force Field Analysis

Force Field Analysis is a versatile tool that can be used in a variety of contexts. Here are some examples of how it has been employed in different scenarios.

Business Decisions:

Force Field Analysis can be used to identify and weigh the factors influencing business decisions. For example, a company may use Force Field Analysis to determine whether a new product should be launched or an existing one should be discontinued. The decision-maker would consider both the forces favoring and opposing the product launch or discontinuation and weigh their importance before making a decision.

Organizational Change:

Force Field Analysis can also be used to evaluate how organizational change will affect an organization.

By assessing the driving and restraining forces that will influence the proposed change, decision-makers can determine the chances of success and potential obstacles. For example, a company looking to implement a new policy or procedure would weigh the forces supporting and opposing the change before moving forward.

Conflict Resolution:

Force Field Analysis can also be employed to help resolve conflicts. By understanding the driving and restraining forces behind a conflict, decision-makers can develop strategies to bring the parties to a resolution. For example, if two departments in an organization are in conflict over a particular issue, Force Field Analysis can be used to understand the issues driving the conflict and develop strategies for resolving it.

Goal Setting:

Force Field Analysis can even be used for goal setting.

By considering the forces that are likely to help or hinder progress towards achieving a goal, decision-makers can develop plans to maximize progress and minimize obstacles. For example, if an organization is looking to achieve a certain goal, Force Field Analysis can help them identify and address any potential roadblocks.

How to Use Force Field Analysis

Force Field Analysis is an effective tool for making decisions. It helps you identify and balance the forces that will affect your decision. When using Force Field Analysis, there are several steps involved in order to make an informed decision.

The first step is to identify the forces that will influence the decision. These forces can be both positive and negative. Once the different forces have been identified, the next step is to evaluate their impact on the decision. This can be done by analyzing how each force will influence the outcome of the decision.

After evaluating each of the forces, it is important to weigh their importance. This involves determining which forces are most critical to the decision and should be given more consideration. It is also important to consider the relative strength of each of the forces when making a decision. Finally, it is important to consider the overall impact of the different forces on the decision.

This includes looking at all of the forces together and determining how they will affect the outcome of the decision. This helps to ensure that the best possible decision is made. Force Field Analysis is a useful tool for making decisions, as it helps identify and balance the forces that will affect a decision. It can be used to identify the factors influencing a decision, and to weigh their importance. Force Field Analysis also has several advantages, such as allowing stakeholders to have input on the decision-making process, and helping to determine if a decision is likely to be successful or not.

However, there are also some disadvantages associated with this tool, including its reliance on subjective opinions and its potential to lead to groupthink. All in all, Force Field Analysis is a valuable decision-making tool that can help ensure that decisions are well-informed and based on sound judgement.

Angelina Flum
Angelina Flum

Professional food scholar. Hipster-friendly twitter lover. Devoted travelaholic. Evil travel scholar. Lifelong bacon enthusiast. Devoted zombie fanatic.

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