Angelina Flum

Angelina Flum

Professional food scholar. Hipster-friendly twitter lover. Devoted travelaholic. Evil travel scholar. Lifelong bacon enthusiast. Devoted zombie fanatic.

63 Author´s Posts
The Impact of Disruptive Innovation on Business Decisions and Strategies

The Impact of Disruptive Innovation on Business Decisions and Strategies

In today's ever-evolving business landscape, disruptive innovation is quickly becoming a key factor in determining...

The Essential Guide to Quality Assurance

The Essential Guide to Quality Assurance

Our firm provides a wide range of services, including financial planning, investment management, and tax preparation. We...

Blue Ocean Strategy: A Comprehensive Guide

Blue Ocean Strategy: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you looking for advice on how to make the best business decisions? Understanding the concept of Blue Ocean Strategy...

Gap Analysis: An Introduction to Business Decision-Making

Gap Analysis: An Introduction to Business Decision-Making

Business decisions can be daunting and overwhelming, but with the right tools and knowledge, they can become easier to...

Answering Interview Questions

Answering Interview Questions

Are you about to go for a job interview? Are you feeling anxious about the questions you will be asked? Answering...

Force Field Analysis: A Tool for Making Better Decisions

Force Field Analysis: A Tool for Making Better Decisions

Making decisions can be a difficult process, especially when you have to consider multiple stakeholders and competing...

Understanding Resistance to Change

Understanding Resistance to Change

Change is an inevitable part of life, yet it can be difficult to accept and embrace. From businesses to individuals,...

Data Collection and Analysis Methods for Business Decision Making

Data Collection and Analysis Methods for Business Decision Making

Data collection and analysis methods are essential for any successful business decision-making process. By taking the...

Delegating Work Efficiently: Tips and Techniques for Time Management for Consultants

Delegating Work Efficiently: Tips and Techniques for Time Management for Consultants

As a consultant, effective time management is essential for achieving success. One of the best techniques to maximize...

Communicating Change Effectively

Communicating Change Effectively

Change is an inevitable part of business; it can be a great opportunity for growth or a major challenge. It is essential...

Managing Stakeholder Expectations

Managing Stakeholder Expectations

Managing stakeholder expectations is an essential part of successful business implementation and stakeholder engagement....

Business Model Canvas Explained

Business Model Canvas Explained

The Business Model Canvas is an invaluable tool for business owners, entrepreneurs and managers looking to create an...

Developing a Change Plan

Developing a Change Plan

A successful change plan is essential for any business. It allows for a controlled and effective transition to new...

Defining Goals and Objectives for Effective Business Implementation Strategies

Defining Goals and Objectives for Effective Business Implementation Strategies

Businesses of all sizes need to set goals and objectives in order to be successful. Having a clear understanding of what...

PESTLE Analysis: A Comprehensive Look

PESTLE Analysis: A Comprehensive Look

If you're looking to make informed business decisions, it's essential to understand the PESTLE Analysis. This helpful...

Building Relationships with Stakeholders

Building Relationships with Stakeholders

Building relationships with stakeholders is an essential element of any successful business. It involves understanding...

Prioritizing Tasks Effectively

Prioritizing Tasks Effectively

Are you a consultant struggling to prioritize tasks in your day-to-day life? Are you overwhelmed and unable to decide...

Industry Research: A Comprehensive Overview

Industry Research: A Comprehensive Overview

In today's competitive business landscape, Industry Research is an invaluable asset to any organization. It allows...

Preparing Effective Slides

Preparing Effective Slides

Presentations are a powerful tool to communicate ideas and information effectively. Preparing effective slides is an...

Cost-Benefit Analysis: A Comprehensive Overview

Cost-Benefit Analysis: A Comprehensive Overview

Making important business decisions can be a daunting task. It is essential to weigh the costs and benefits of any action ...

Kanban Framework: A Comprehensive Overview

Kanban Framework: A Comprehensive Overview

In recent years, the Kanban Framework has become an increasingly popular project management strategy. As a visual tool...

An Introduction to the Scientific Method

An Introduction to the Scientific Method

When it comes to problem solving and uncovering new knowledge, there is no better tool than the scientific method....

Creating Actionable Steps: A Comprehensive Guide

Creating Actionable Steps: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you looking to create actionable steps that can help you reach your business goals? Implementing a plan of action is...

Data Visualization Techniques: A Comprehensive Overview

Data Visualization Techniques: A Comprehensive Overview

Data visualization techniques are an essential tool for any business decision-making process. As the amount of data...

Tips for Managing Multiple Projects Simultaneously

Tips for Managing Multiple Projects Simultaneously

Are you a consultant that is struggling to manage multiple projects at the same time? If so, you’re not alone. Many...

Unraveling the Problem-Solving Process

Unraveling the Problem-Solving Process

Do you ever find yourself stuck in a problem-solving process? Are you looking for ways to unravel the complexities of...

Agile Project Management: An Overview

Agile Project Management: An Overview

In today's business world, organizations are increasingly turning to Agile project management as an effective way to...

An Introduction to Software Development

An Introduction to Software Development

Software development is a complex process that involves creating and designing software applications to meet specific...

Statistical Modeling Techniques: A Data-Driven Decision Making Primer

Statistical Modeling Techniques: A Data-Driven Decision Making Primer

In today's data-driven world, understanding and utilizing the power of statistical modeling techniques can be the...

Interview Preparation Strategies

Interview Preparation Strategies

Are you looking for ways to prepare for your upcoming interview? Whether you are a first-time job seeker or an...

Understanding SWOT Analysis for Business Decision Making

Understanding SWOT Analysis for Business Decision Making

Making the right decisions is essential for any business to succeed. With so many factors to consider, it can be...

Exploring Artificial Intelligence and its Applications

Exploring Artificial Intelligence and its Applications

As an experienced professional, I have a deep understanding of the challenges that businesses face. I am confident that I ...

Scrum Methodology: A Comprehensive Overview

Scrum Methodology: A Comprehensive Overview

The Scrum Methodology has become a popular project management strategy for businesses across the world. It is an...

How to Create Effective Visual Aids for Consulting Presentations

How to Create Effective Visual Aids for Consulting Presentations

Creating effective visual aids for consulting presentations can be a daunting task. There is so much to consider – what ...

Delivering Impactful Messages

Delivering Impactful Messages

In today's business world, delivering impactful messages is critical for success. Whether you're a consultant giving a...

Identifying Stakeholders: A Comprehensive Overview

Identifying Stakeholders: A Comprehensive Overview

Identifying stakeholders is a critical step in any successful business implementation strategy. It is essential to ensure ...

Design Thinking Approach: An Overview

Design Thinking Approach: An Overview

Design thinking is an innovative problem-solving approach that has been used in a wide range of industries to create...

Understanding and Using the Decision Matrix Methodology

Understanding and Using the Decision Matrix Methodology

Making decisions can be a daunting task. Whether it's a business decision or a personal one, the process of deciding the...

Developing Timelines and Milestones for Business Implementation Strategies

Developing Timelines and Milestones for Business Implementation Strategies

Developing timelines and milestones is an essential part of any business implementation strategy. Without a clear vision...

Network Security: An Overview for Businesses

Network Security: An Overview for Businesses

In an increasingly digital world, network security is an essential factor for businesses to consider. With the rise of...

Understanding Data Migration for IT Consulting

Understanding Data Migration for IT Consulting

Data migration is an essential part of IT Consulting. It is the process of transferring data from one system to another,...

Building Rapport with Interviewers: Tips and Techniques

Building Rapport with Interviewers: Tips and Techniques

It's no secret that interviews can be nerve-wracking experiences. You want to make the best possible impression, and...